The path to recovery in Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Having admitted our powerlessness over addiction (Step 1) and come to believe that a higher power can restore us (Step 2), we now reach a pivotal point in Step 6: “We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.” In this crucial step, we move forward by preparing ourselves to let go of the shortcomings that have hindered our progress.

This step can be challenging. We may question our readiness, grapple with the concept of a higher power, or struggle to let go of ingrained behaviors. However, understanding the essence of Step 6 and how it works in the context of NA’s program can be instrumental in achieving lasting recovery.

What are Character Defects in NA’s Step 6?

Character defects are negative personality traits and behaviors developed through addiction. They can include:

  • Resentment
  • Selfishness
  • Dishonesty
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Control issues

These defects often fuel our addiction and create problems in our relationships and overall well-being. Identifying them through Steps 4 and 5 is crucial for moving forward in Step 6.

Here, we don’t simply acknowledge these defects; we become entirely ready for a higher power to remove them. This doesn’t mean a magical transformation – it signifies a deep willingness to let go and embrace change.

Why is “Entirely Ready” Important in Step 6 of NA?

Willingness is a cornerstone of the NA program. It’s the foundation for surrendering to a higher power and allowing them to work through us.

Many addicts hold on to their character defects, mistaking them for strength or protection. Step 6 asks us to release that illusion and embrace the possibility of a better life, free from these self-destructive tendencies.

Of course, achieving complete readiness might feel like an uphill battle. We may experience resistance or doubt. This is normal. NA meetings and sponsorship provide a safe space to share these struggles and receive support from fellow members who have walked this path themselves.

Understanding Entire Readiness

Achieving “entire readiness” for Step 6 of NA is a process, rather than a destination. In essence, it’s about cultivating a deep-seated willingness to let go of the things that hold us back. To this end, this process involves self-honesty, introspection, and, importantly, a commitment to personal growth.

One effective tool in practicing Step 6 is through regular self-inventory. Similar to Step 4, we examine our lives for character defects. However, in Step 6, the focus shifts from identification to willingness. We ask ourselves:

  • Am I truly tired of these character defects?
  • Do I believe that a higher power can help me overcome them?
  • Am I ready to surrender control and let go?

By honestly answering these questions, we begin to cultivate the necessary mindset for Step 6.

How Does a Higher Power Work in NA?

The concept of a higher power in NA is personal. It can be a traditional God, a spiritual force, or even the collective wisdom of the program itself. The key is to develop a sense of trust and surrender to something greater than ourselves.

By acknowledging a higher power, we open ourselves to the possibility of change beyond our own limitations. We relinquish control and allow a force for good to guide our recovery journey.

This doesn’t mean a higher power does the work for us. Rather, it provides strength, guidance, and courage as we actively participate in our own recovery. Through continued effort, sponsorship, and active participation in NA, we cultivate the willingness to release our character defects and embrace the transformation a higher power can facilitate.

The Role of Sponsorship in Step 6 of NA

A strong sponsor can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of Step 6. Not only do they offer guidance, but they also provide support and accountability. Through regular meetings with your sponsor, you can, therefore, delve deeper into your willingness to let go. Additionally, you can discuss challenges as they arise and, moreover, celebrate milestones along the way.

Your sponsor can also help you develop a deeper understanding of a higher power and how it can play a role in your recovery. Remember, a higher power is a personal concept, and your sponsor can help you find what resonates with you.

Overcoming Obstacles in Step 6 of NA

The path to Step 6 is often fraught with obstacles. For instance, fear, doubt, and resistance are common challenges. However, it’s essential to recognize these emotions without judgment. Indeed, they are part of the process and, consequently, must be acknowledged as such.

  • Fear of the unknown: Letting go of character defects can be scary. We may fear the consequences or the unknown future. However, holding onto these defects is even scarier.
  • Doubt in a higher power: Questioning the existence of a higher power is normal. Remember, it’s about finding what works for you.
  • Resistance to change: We often cling to familiar patterns, even if they are destructive. It takes courage to step outside our comfort zone.

By acknowledging these challenges and seeking support from your sponsor or NA fellowship, you can overcome obstacles and progress in Step 6.

Integrating Step 6 into Daily Life

Step 6 is not merely about making a single decision; rather, it’s an ongoing journey of letting go and personal growth. To effectively integrate Step 6 into your daily life, consider incorporating the following practices:

  1. Practice Gratitude: By focusing on what you have instead of what you lack, you can shift your perspective and foster a profound sense of abundance. This shift, in turn, enhances your overall well-being and reinforces a positive mindset.
  2. Develop a Meditation or Prayer Practice: Engaging in regular meditation or prayer can significantly help you connect with your higher power and cultivate inner peace. Consequently, these practices provide a sense of tranquility and spiritual connection that supports your recovery journey.
  3. Engage in Service: Helping others not only shifts your focus away from yourself but also promotes a strong sense of purpose. Moreover, serving others can strengthen your community bonds and provide a fulfilling sense of contribution.
  4. Seek Out Opportunities for Growth: Actively pursue personal development by attending workshops, reading recovery literature, or exploring new hobbies. By engaging in these activities, you will, in turn, expand your horizons and gain valuable insights that, consequently, support your ongoing growth.

By thoughtfully incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can deepen your commitment to Step 6. Ultimately, this approach allows you to experience the transformative power of recovery, leading to a more enriched and fulfilling life.

The Benefits of Completing Step 6 of NA

Successfully working through Step 6 can lead to profound changes in your life. Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Improved relationships
  • Greater peace of mind
  • Enhanced spiritual connection
  • A stronger sense of purpose

Remember, recovery is a journey, and there will be ups and downs. Nevertheless, by staying committed to the NA program, practicing Step 6, and seeking support, you can achieve lasting freedom from addiction.

Letting Go and Moving Forward with Step 6 of NA

Step 6 is a significant turning point in recovery. Specifically, it’s a call to action and an invitation to surrender to a higher power while embracing the possibility of becoming our best selves. By actively working through this step, we not only pave the way for lasting change but also create the foundation for a life free from the shackles of addiction.

Remember, recovery is a journey, not a destination. There will be bumps along the road, and moments of doubt may arise. However, by staying connected to the NA program, embracing your sponsor’s guidance, and fostering a connection with your higher power, you can develop the entire readiness needed to shed your character defects and experience the transformative power of Step 6.

If you are struggling with Step 6 of NA or addiction in general, please reach out to Advanced Addiction Center for a free and confidential consultation. We offer comprehensive treatment programs that can help you achieve lasting recovery.

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